How do they work?
How TwinTec water softeners work
Water softeners protect your home and improve the quality of water by removing the potentially harmful mineral deposits found naturally in our water supplies.
It’s common for water, particularly in hard water areas, to contain minerals such as magnesium and calcium. These enter the water as it travels through rocks and across the ground before entering our water supply. A common symptom of hard water is the powdery residue you may see in your home, known as limescale.
When water passes through a water softener, a process of ion exchange removes these minerals. This is done using a resin which sits inside the device and collects the minerals. The softener will regularly ‘regenerate’ itself by flushing salt through the resin to clean it. All you need to do is refill the salt every few weeks – the softener does the rest for you.
Twin cylinder design
The TwinTec twin cylinder design was revolutionary to water softeners when it was introduced by the device’s inventor Harvey Bowden.
By utilising two cylinders, the TwinTec Cobalt Water Softener is able to provide you with luxuriously soft water all day, every day. Each cylinder is able to work independently. When the optimal amount of water has passed through a cylinder it regenerates, meaning while one cylinder is regenerating, the other is supplying the home with soft water. Meaning you have a continuous supply of softened water.
This system is pioneered by us, and we have continued to invest both time and money into rigorous testing of the design. We ensure you have the highest standard of water provided to your home, through the most efficient system.